Every year in August we have our family vacation. We always go camping and hunting for the first 12 days of the deer hunt. The kids love it. This year was a little different though, usually I stay at camp in the mornings get our day going with breakfast and taking pics then I would go on the night hunts. This year I decided that the kids were big enough that I could hunt too! So that meant that our trailer was not as neat and I didn't get as many pictures but over all we had a great time. We go with the families of friends from work. We have gone with them for the past two years and it has just been a blast. The only real issue is one family has a 13 yr old Kayla, one has a 12 yr old McKaylie and we have our 11 yr old Kayla. Well lets just say that only 2 of them can get along at a time. Shayne and Stanley can entertain themselves. This year it was catching water skitters that held their attention. We had lots of fun and I actually got off 3 shots. One close miss, one dead tree (lol) and one that could have made me cry it was so close (he was so big). Anyway hope you enjoy my pics of our vacation.
Conference Weekend at the Cabin
12 years ago
I am so excited that you have a blog! Now we can totally stay in touch! We are living back in Idaho now! We are moving to Pocatello in a couple weeks! I am really excited! Where are you guys now? The kids have gotten so big! Sounds like a great camping trip! Good job with the gun! I loved the dead log! Anyways add us to your blog you are on ours now! 3guys1lady.blogspot.com!
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