At 2:00am December 26th we were blessed with our beautiful 7lb 8 1/2oz baby boy. Stanley is so lively there is never a dull moment. Everything is such a huge deal to him and he gets so animated. Stanley is very much a mama's boy he is always following me around. Stanley has decided that black is his favorite color and cowboy boots are a must have. Stanley baby, happy birthday!!! Sorry it's a little late. I love you my sweet baby boy!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by The Millar Family at 11:00 PM 1 comments
Surgery then Christmas
Well I went to the Dr. on Monday Dec 22nd and he decided I needed the skin graph. So on Dec 23rd I had surgery right before Christmas! Here's a pic of my hand before my surgery.
They took the skin from my right thigh. Everything went well and I will start physical therapy next week. We then had a good Christmas. The kids had a great time.
Over all it has been a good year.
Posted by The Millar Family at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
7 random/weird things about me
Sorry Brittney it took so long but here it is.
1. I have an issue with books! I'm always reading and it drives Mike nuts. I have my own book collection going! I own so many I can't tell you how many. I usually wont let anyone borrow them I have to keep them in perfect condition. I can read them 3 times and they still look new. When I buy a new one I go through every copy the store has until I find the best one.
2. Toilet paper. I have this thing going with how the toilet paper rolls on the toilet paper holder! Call me weird but I can't stand it if it is rolling the wrong way. I have been known to change other people's rolls so they are rolling right.
3. Surgery. I have had 3 surgerys, 3 breast lumps removed. It is possible I may be going through my 4th surgery soon. My hand was stuck in a conveyor at work and I recieved a 3rd degree friction burn on my hand. So I will most likely need a skin graph to fix it.
4. Movies. I really love horror films but I like to watch all kinds. My favorite films in jr high were Freddy Kruger (nightmare on elm street). I had a Freddy poster above my bed and once Aunt Nileen slept in my room she said she was scared all night.
5. Music. I listen to a little bit of everything. I do have some favorites in all areas. Country- Alan Jackson Hard rock- Ozzie. I have lots more but it would take to long.
6. I love being outdoors but mostly I love to be up in the mountains. Camping and fishing are the best ways to spend my free time.
7. Some of the things I liked to do besides reading! I love to cross stitch but I have not done much since having my children. They always came over and ran away with my cross stitching floss. I like to work out I have been a little lax since I started my new job at Sara Lee 6 months ago.
So there you have it took awhile just to figure out what to put down. Happy Holidays to everyone!
Posted by The Millar Family at 6:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Twelve years ago on December 2 we were blessed with a beautiful 6lb 13oz baby girl. Our lives have never been the same. Kayla has been such a joy in our lives, she has brought us such colorful days. As she has grown it has been such a journey. So today we honor her on her 12th birthday. Kayla happy birthday baby girl, hope you have a great b-day.
Posted by The Millar Family at 8:21 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Lazy Thanksgiving Mornings
Its always nice to be a kid on Thanksgiving. You don't have to worry about getting up and cooking or cleaning getting ready for everyone to come over. You just get to play, argue, and beg for food.
Posted by The Millar Family at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Time Flys
Wow it has been awhile since I posted anything it's amazing how fast time goes. We have Kayla's 12th birthday on Dec 2nd then Christmas and then Stanley will be 8 on Dec 26th. We had a great time on Halloween Stanley was the scary movie guy, Shayne was the king of evil, and Kayla was a lady pirate. It's funny how the kids got tired of trick or treating before Mike and I did. Then Mike and I went on a day hunting trip and I got some great pics on the Salt Lake Valley from the mountain behind Bountiful. We didn't see anything but we still had a great time.
Posted by The Millar Family at 5:07 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
This was Stan's first time driving a four wheeler and what a great job he did.
Posted by The Millar Family at 12:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Summer Vacation
Every year in August we have our family vacation. We always go camping and hunting for the first 12 days of the deer hunt. The kids love it. This year was a little different though, usually I stay at camp in the mornings get our day going with breakfast and taking pics then I would go on the night hunts. This year I decided that the kids were big enough that I could hunt too! So that meant that our trailer was not as neat and I didn't get as many pictures but over all we had a great time. We go with the families of friends from work. We have gone with them for the past two years and it has just been a blast. The only real issue is one family has a 13 yr old Kayla, one has a 12 yr old McKaylie and we have our 11 yr old Kayla. Well lets just say that only 2 of them can get along at a time. Shayne and Stanley can entertain themselves. This year it was catching water skitters that held their attention. We had lots of fun and I actually got off 3 shots. One close miss, one dead tree (lol) and one that could have made me cry it was so close (he was so big). Anyway hope you enjoy my pics of our vacation.
Posted by The Millar Family at 11:10 PM 1 comments
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