Wednesday, April 29, 2009


On April 30, 1999 we become the proud parent of our 1st son, Shayne. He was 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long he was born at 4:05 am. He was the happiest baby ever, never crying and always so content. The poor guy was born with a black eye due to sitting right on my pelvic bone. Shayne was born with a speech disability and was unable to make proper sounds. So he created his own language that only Kayla could understand. He has always been so calm and understanding when trying to over come it. He is so hard working and I have never seen a child so focus on doing his absolute best at everything he tries (even taking my bathroom sink faucet apart at 3yrs old trying to understand how it worked). Shayne loves anything that has to do with volcanoes, earth quakes, hurricanes, planets, and the earth. He is also the catcher on his baseball team. He has been catching for 2 yrs now and is doing such an awesome job. Happy Birthday Shayne!! We are so very proud of you and love you so very much!! Happy Birthday buddy!


The Adams Family said...

Hi Becky, It's Dawn. What a great group of kids you have. I can't believe you have a 12 year or 10 year. WOW! Where has time taken us. There are so many question. But for now, Happy Birthday Shayne. Please feel free to visit my blog at I have been looking at your blog for some time now. I guess I never was sure of a good way to say hello. I hope this is OK. I really am glad to see you and your family. I hope all is well.

The Adams Family said...

OK sorry...I forgot I need your email address in order to sign you in to view our if you are interested let me know. My email is Take care! :)

Brittney said...

Happy Birthday Shayne!!! BTW... I love the way his name is spelt! It was so good to see you guys! Hopefully, it won't be to long before we see you again!!!