Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Trip Home

Finally after almost 20 yrs I made it back home. I was able to go to St. Anthony, ID back to my Grandparents house. It was just a quick day trip but it was worth it! John my brother in law bought a truck up in Island Park and we had to go past St. Anthony to get there. I had Mike drop me off at Grandpa & Grandma Bowles's House. Then Mike & John went to pick up the truck.

I was able to see Grandma, Grandpa, Carmen, Eddy, Mom, Al, Brittney, Cahlin, Eyan, Aunt Sara, Uncle Barri, & their family.

It was such a good time. When Mike & John came back we all had dinner and all the way home Mike & John kept saying how good my Grandma's meatloaf is. It was so good to be there hopefully I will be able to go more often.


The Adams Family said...

Wow...I love those moments. I haven't seen the Bowles in a long time. I am not sure what to call them, Grandpa, Grandma. I know they are your moms grandparetns, but I remember a strawberry patch or was it rasberries that we could pick from, a fond memory for me. Am I thinking of the right grandparents? I absolutely love the picture of you and the girls/your mom. You guys look really happy. One day I hope to see you all again. I hope to get a great picture of us all then!